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Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

As evident by its Mission Statement, the focus of the District’s educational services is to maximize the learning potential of every student. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a federal and state-mandated educational initiative that consistently and effectively enables the District to reach that goal. MTSS requires schools to develop a multi-tiered instructional model so all students learn at the right level, whether a child needs enrichment or extra support. While Joseph Sears has always strived to meet the needs of individual students, MTSS has made this process more universal and effective.

MTSS has three essential components:

  • Differentiated core curricula for all students;
  • Data-driven educational decisions that determine optimal learning rates and ideal academic and social-emotional performance levels; and,
  • Teacher and parent collaboration to enhance student performance. MTSS is most commonly used to address reading and math instruction, but can also be applied to other academic or social/emotional areas.

Tier 1 - High Quality Core Curriculum, Universal Screening and Group Enrichment/Intervention

Tier 1 encompasses classroom instruction for all students, offering depth, breadth and complexity. Tier 1 also includes universal academic and behavioral supports. Teachers use provisions whenever a student struggles in the classroom or masters critical skills.

Tier 2 - Targeted Enrichment and Interventions

Tier 2 instruction supplements the Tier 1 core curriculum. It meets the needs of students who are not challenged sufficiently or are not progressing as expected in Tier 1. Teachers and parents meet to discuss additional educational services and develop a formal support plan.

Tier 3 - Intensive Enrichment and Intervention and Comprehensive Evaluation

Tier 3 instruction includes more explicit instruction than offered under Tier 2 that focuses on a specific skill need, whether that is an accelerated need or a remedial need. Instructional supports at this level are intended for students who:

  • have demonstrated exceptional knowledge and skills based on performance data or exhibited an extraordinary capacity for learning;
  • have significant deficits or underachievement and require the most intensive services available at The Joseph Sears School.