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Homework Expectations

Faculty and administrators continuously evaluate the school’s homework policy and the way in which this information is communicated to both students and families. The Joseph Sears School homework guidelines below are intended to provide parents/guardians and families with the typical workload per day for students. Should any student experience that his or her time spent on homework is far exceeding the guidelines, we encourage communication between parents/guardians, students, and teachers so that we may collaborate on solutions and support each child with what they need to be successful.

For detailed homework guideline breakdown for Junior High students (grades 6-8), please refer to the Junior High Homework Hub.

Homework Guidelines


Daily Average



10 minutes  
Second 20 minutes  
Third 30 minutes  
Fourth 40 minutes  

50 minutes

Sixth 60 minutes  


70 minutes  
Eighth 80 minutes  

Guidelines for Students and Parents Regarding the Completion of Homework

Below are suggestions that may be helpful for families if issues regarding time spent on homework or difficulties in completing homework arise throughout the school year.

  1. Have an open and honest discussion about homework strategies and study habits to determine if your child is making the best use of their time spent on homework. This discussion may help you determine whether or not additional support is needed to manage time, focus and concentrate on homework while balancing extracurricular activities and leading a healthy lifestyle. You may also decide that your child needs less distractions (such as no electronic devices) or a designated time devoted to homework to minimize distractions and facilitate the most productive learning environment. It is recommended that you identify a spot to do homework daily that is free from distractions and set up for efficiency. Making homework a routine maximizes the minutes spent.
  2. Students should discuss any homework challenges directly with the appropriate teacher to work on resolving them, including time spent, understanding expectations, instructions and strategies to effectively complete assignments.
  3. The expectation is that students complete their homework independently with guidance or support from an adult. All work completed should be done by the student to give the teacher accurate performance information to inform instruction.
  4. If all of these steps are taken, and homework issues remain unresolved, families should contact the appropriate teacher to collaborate on strategies to best help the student succeed.

Per Board Policy 6:290 Homework is part of the District's instructional program and has the overarching goal of increasing student achievement. Homework is assigned to further a student's educational development and is an application or adaptation of a classroom experience. The Superintendent shall provide guidance to ensure that homework: 

  1. Is used to reinforce and apply previously covered concepts, principles, and skills; 
  2. Is not assigned for disciplinary purposes; 
  3. Serves as a communication link between the school and parents/guardians; 
  4. Encourages independent thought, self-direction, and self-discipline; and 
  5. Is of appropriate frequency and length, and does not become excessive, according to the teacher's best professional judgment.