Ongoing academic success requires a common curriculum by grade and subject area that can also be tailored to each individual or student group. Adhering to curriculum standards allows us to measure academic achievement and growth over time, but we also leave room for teaching and learning practices to be refined based on measurable results and empirical feedback.
We aim to provide a student-centered education rooted in best practices and quality learning experiences to drive academic achievement for all. This is accomplished through a comprehensive five-year evaluation process, where we articulate and implement a standards-based, integrated system of teaching and learning in all content areas to establish a guaranteed, viable curriculum for all students. Each content area is evaluated by a staff committee with a representative from each grade level, and the District collaborates with New Trier Township Schools, including New Trier High School, on curricular programming.
Per Board Policy 6:210, Instructional Materials, the District annually provides a list of primary curriculum materials to the Board of Education. This information will be updated as materials change and will be presented to the Board of Education in May of each school year.
6:210 Instructional Materials Report
Each committee establishes the criteria for programming unique to the curriculum when evaluated. However, all curricula must meet the following criteria, as outlined in the Strategic Plan:
- Alignment to District established Priority Standards
- Alignment with Portrait of a Sears Graduate and Progressions
- Alignment with the Integrated System of Teaching and Learning components
- Categories of Instructional Strategies that meet the learning needs of all students
- Alignment with Equity-Driven Pedagogy
Five-Year Curriculum Evaluation Process
Process for Developing an Integrated System of Teaching and Learning