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Scholarship Fund

JSSPVA Scholarship Fund

Each year the Joseph Sears School Parents’ Volunteer Association sets aside funds for need-based scholarships to help offset the costs of activities and fees. The School advertises the scholarship availability and credits the JSSPVA for funding. Sears families request assistance from the School directly, and the administration determines whether a family qualifies for scholarship funding. If you would like to inquire about obtaining scholarship funds, please email


All scholarships are confidential; the JSSPVA gives the money directly to the administration to help each family.

The JSSPVA Scholarship Fund covers:

  • 7th Grade Springfield field trip
  • 8th Grade Washington D.C. field trip
  • School supplies
  • Class dues
  • School-sponsored clubs and programs, including:
    • Chess Club
    • Creative Dramatics
    • Great Books
    • Instrument rental for band and orchestra
    • Lego League
    • Science Olympiad
  • Other school-sponsored programs or activities.


The JSSPVA Scholarship Fund does not cover:
  1. Athletics (see Booster Committee)
  2. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or Girls On The Run (handled by organizations)